Old School Cascob

Old School Cascob

Old School Cascob Green oak framed Garden Room extension to Grade II List former School. The cruck frame is cantilevered out over a stone retaining wall to provide dramatic views down into the valley below. Completed 2016...
Lower Castleton

Lower Castleton

Lower Castleton Restoration and sustainability upgrade of eighteenth-century Grade II Listed Herefordshire red brick farmhouse to provide a contemporary family home. Completed 2013...
Kinton Barn

Kinton Barn

Kinton Barn Internal replanning, a new staircase and green oak framed Living Room extension to former Dairy...
The Glebe House Montgomery

The Glebe House Montgomery

The Glebe House Montgomery Restoration of Grade II property in the historic heart of this traditional county town. A modern steel framed single storey extension continues the story of this house’s evolution into the next generation. Completed 2016...
Guiting Power

Guiting Power

Guiting Power Replanning of Grade II Listed mediaeval farm complex The centrepiece of the design is a 6-metre frameless glass cube linking the main farmhouse to the adjacent cartshed to provide a new central entrance hall and staircase. Completed whilst working at...